Phoenix Youth Provision support young people aged 11 -18 with opportunities to socialise in a safe space, as well as giving them access to support and advice from qualified youth workers. Their Youth committee ensures the service is youth lead, and delivers what matters to them.
Phoenix Youth Provision (PYP) is for young people aged 11-18 who live in Whittlesey or the surrounding villages and attend Sir Harry Smith College. They provide weekly drop in sessions where young people aged 11 – 18 can have an opportunity to socialise, get involved in activities, or get support from qualified youth workers and volunteers.
Young people will need to complete a sign up form which covers parental consent and health questionnaire.
PYP also complete outreach work around Whittlesey to engage young people.
PYP is youth lead and has a youth committee which help shape and direct the service.
If you want to refer a young person you are working with then please contact them via email.
This is a free service.
Phoenix Youth Provision is supported by volunteers – could you help? Volunteers at PYP do the following:
- support the running of the activities
- help young people sign in and out
- help run the tuck shock
- socialise and talk to young people
- ensure a safe and supportive environment
Full DBS, Safeguard Training & Introduction to Youth Work ( 1 day induction provided).
For more info please email:- [email protected]
Refreshments can be purchased at the drop in.
This project has received grant funding from Healthy Fenland.