Sometimes it’s advice and information you need, practical support or just a listening ear. There are many national telephone, text, and webchat lines you can contact if this is more comfortable than accessing local support. Here are some of the most commonly requested.
Click on the logo to view the organisation’s website - some organisations provide webchat support.
Mental Health Crisis Lines:
For anyone in a mental health crisis. Cambridgeshire 1st response service is available 24 hours a day by calling 111 and selecting the mental health option from any phone.
The Samaritans support and listen to callers, day or night, without judgement and in confidence. They stand with callers in their darkest hours, whatever they’re facing. Call free on 116 123, 24 hours a day.
Lifeline is a free, confidential and anonymous helpline for those experiencing mental distress. Call them for listening support and information between 11am – 11pm every day. Freephone 0808 808 21 21.
CALM (campaign against living miserably) run a free and confidential helpline and webchat – open from 5pm to midnight every day, for anyone who needs to talk about life’s problems. Call free on 0800 58 58 58.
The Papyrus HOPELINEUK is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.
Open 9am–12am (midnight) every day of the year. 0800 068 41 41.
Children and Young People:
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text from wherever you are in the UK. Text SHOUT to 85258.
Childline is a free national helpline and live chat for children and young people in danger or distress. Call 0800 11 11.
Muslim Youth Helpline provides faith and culturally sensitive support confidentially by phone, live chat, WhatsApp or email. Any day of the week between 4pm and 10pm. Call on 0808 808 2008.
Older People’s support:
The Silver Line is a free, confidential helpline providing information, friendship and support to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Call 0800 4 70 80 90.
Listening services:
SOS supports children and adults struggling with their emotional health. Available to contact via their phone line 03001 020 505 between 8pm and midnight every evening.
Premier is the national Christian helpline. It’s a confidential telephone helpline service that provides a listening ear and emotional and spiritual support from a Christian perspective. Open from 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday. Call 0300 111 0101.
Supportline provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. The helpline is primarily a preventative service and aims to support people before they reach the point of crisis. Call 01708 765 200.
Drugs, alcohol and gambling:
Drinkaware’s Drinkline is a free, confidential helpline for anyone who is concerned about their drinking, or someone else’s. Call 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm).
GamCare provides confidential information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling problems in England, Scotland and Wales. Available over the phone or on live chat 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Call 0808 8020 133.
UK Narcotics Anonymous has a helpline and regular self help meetings for addicts who have a desire to stop using. Open 10am – Midnight everyday. Call 0300 999 1212.
Frank has a helpline for anyone concerned about drug or solvent misuse. Advice and information for drug misusers, their families, friends, and carers. Call 0300 123 6600.
Their volunteers are trained in all types of bereavement and can help you make sense of how you’re feeling right now. Open weekdays 9:30am – 5pm on Mondays & Fridays, 9:30am – 8pm on Tuesday – Thursday and weekends 10am -2pm. (Please check their website for opening hours over the Christmas period). Call 0808 808 1677 or their website for webchat.
Their volunteers are all bereaved parents and are there to listen and care, offer emotional support and advice. Open every day of the year from 10:00 – 16:00 and 19:00 – 22:00. Call 0345 123 2304 (charge standard rate for 01 02 numbers).
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) is a national organisation offering peer-led support to adults impacted by suicide loss. They aim to provide safe, confidential environments where people can share their experiences and feelings, giving and gaining support from each other. Ring their national support line on 0300 111 5065.
Physical Health Support:
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. Call 111 for free 24 hours a day.
A free out-of-hours phone service available to patients, relatives, friends and all healthcare professionals in Cambridgeshire to support people with palliative care at home. End of life Clinical Nurse Specialists are available 24 hours a day, everyday. Call 111 and select option 'Palliative and End of Life Care'.
An extensive range of other national helplines can be found here.
Most of these helplines are free from landlines, charges can vary from mobile providers.
Webchats can be accessed free via some of the organisations’ websites. Click on the logos to view the website.
Some charges may apply to calls made from mobile phones.