If you have a low income, you may be able to get help with NHS costs through the NHS Low Income Scheme (LIS).
How to contact
Where to go
(available throughout)UK
More Information:
If you have a low income, the NHS Low Income Scheme could help you pay for:
- NHS prescription charges
- NHS dental treatment charges
- the cost of sight tests, glasses and contact lenses
- the cost of travelling to receive NHS treatment
- NHS wigs and fabric supports (check with your hospital for their arrangements for supplying NHS wigs)
How much help you get depends on your weekly income and necessary outgoings, plus any savings or investments you have at the time you apply. If the amount you have left is low, you may be able to get help through the NHS Low Income Scheme. Any help you’re entitled to is also available to your partner, if you have one.
If you have already paid for treatment, you can apply for a refund at the same time as you apply for the scheme.
They will normally assess your application within 18 working days from the date they get your form.
Apply online for help with NHS costs
You can check if you are eligible by clicking here.
You can contact this team by telephone: 0300 330 1343
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm and Saturday, 9am to 3pm.
If you’re deaf or hard of hearing and you have a textphone (sometimes called a minicom), you can contact them using the Text Relay service. Dial 18001 then the relevant phone number.
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How to contact
Where to go
(available throughout)UK