Free English Classes -Rosmini Centre

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The Rosmini Centre is offering free English classes to adults of any nationality and at any level of English. Come along and make friends whilst improving your English language skills in a supportive environment.

Meet some of the Team:

About Free English Classes

The Rosmini Centre staff take pride in their friendly community where everyone supports each other. These English classes will not only help you improve your English skills but also are an excellent opportunity for communication and forming new friendships.

Every participant can count on the assistance and support of their teachers and fellow learners. They are confident that the mutual interaction within their groups will contribute to your integration into the English-speaking environment.

Learning English will boost your CV and allow you to apply for a better-paid position. Once you have some English skills, you can sign up for FREE online courses, get additional certificates, and an even better CV. All these steps will help further in your job search.

There are two sessions per week:

  • Monday 6pm – 7:30pm
  • Tuesday 6pm to 8pm

No need to book, you can just drop into these sessions.

These sessions are free to everyone.


About the Rosmini Centre

Rosmini Centre staff and volunteers can support with a variety of issues. Their employment services can help with:

  • Writing a CV
  • Filling in job application forms
  • Support to get a national insurance number
  • Finding training and qualification opportunities
  • Settled Status applications

The Rosmini centre hosts a range of other support such as:

  • Food redistribution with Food Share
  • Advice on a range of issues such as housing, employment, finances
  • Translation services
  • English lessons
  • Coffee mornings
  • Support to report hate crimes

The Rosmini Centre also hires out rooms for groups, health services and support agencies, contact the Rosmini centre directly for prices and to book.

Check their website and Facebook page for full details of activities.

There are no fees for support from the Rosmini Centre.

If you are a business or service wanting translation services, see the Rosmini website for details and fees.

Where to find the Rosmini Centre:

BULGARIAN/БЪЛГАРСКИ: Сградата на Център Росмини е до църквата „Дева Мария и Св.Чарлз“ („Our Lady & Saint Charles“) в Уисбийч. Адресът е 69а Queens, Road, пощенски код PE13 2PH.

ROMANIAN/ROMÂNĂ: Clădirea Centrului Rosmini se află lângă Biserica „Doamna noastră și Sfântul Carol (‘’Our Lady & Saint Charles’’) din Wisbech. Adresa este 69a Queens, Road, cod poștal PE13 2PH.

RUSSIAN/РУССКИЙ: Здание Rosmini Center находится рядом с церковью Богоматери и Святого Карла(„Our Lady & Saint Charles“) в Висбеке. Адрес: 69a Queens, Road, почтовый индекс PE13 2PH.

LITHUANIAN/LIETUVIŠKAS: Rosmini centro pastatas yra šalia Dievo Motinos ir Šv. Karolio („Our Lady & Saint Charles“)  bažnyčios Visbeche. Adresas: 69a Queens, Road, pašto kodas PE13 2PH.

POLISH/ POLSKIE: Budynek Rosmini Center znajduje się obok kościoła Matki Bożej i św. Karola („Our Lady & Saint Charles“)  w Wisbech. Adres to 69a Queens, Road, kod pocztowy PE13 2PH.

LATVIAN/LATVIEŠU: Rosmini centra ēka atrodas blakus Visbehas Dievmātes un Svētā Kārļa („Our Lady & Saint Charles“)   baznīcai. Adrese: 69a Queens, Road, pasta indekss PE13 2PH.

How to contact

Where to go

Rosmini Centre
69A Queens Road
PE13 2PH

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