Cambridgeshire Youth Justice Service

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The Cambridgeshire Youth Justice Psychology service provides emotional/mental health support to any young person who comes into contact with the Youth Justice Service across the county.

What to expect

The Youth Offending Service aims to prevent initial and repeat offenses among young people aged 10 to 17. It also plays a crucial role in protecting the public. The service conducts comprehensive assessments and prepares reports for the police and courts, which help inform decisions on pre-court measures, court-ordered outcomes, and any subsequent interventions

The service works in partnership (multi-agency) with:

  • police
  • health
  • education
  • children’s social care
  • probation

The work they do with young people, their family and victims takes place with input from the following people:

  • YOS social workers
  • probation officers
  • police officers
  • health professionals (such as psychologists and nurse)
  • drugs workers
  • education workers
  • restorative justice workers
  • accommodation officer
  • activities coordinator
  • other professionals who may know the young person or family.

During ‘multi-agency risk planning meetings’ they look at the needs, risks, safety, wellbeing and support for each young person.

Support for young offenders and young people released from custody with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is coordinated by the Youth Offending Service (YOS). When a young person is in custody, the YOS Education, Training, and Employment Coordinator ensures that a copy of their most recent statement or Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Plan is securely sent to the relevant institution.

Before a young person is released from custody, the YOS team contacts the education department of the secure facility to ensure appropriate support is provided for a successful resettlement and smooth transition into education or training within the community.

They are very flexible when it comes to service provision.  They operate from any CCC building in the county. They also visit young people who are open to YJS in their homes or schools.


No fee. Their service is NHS (CPFT) and only those open to YJS can access it

They offer clinical assessments and relevant treatment interventions for young people’s mental health (NHS service)

How to contact

Where to go

available across Fenland

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