Volunteer Centre Fenland

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The Volunteer Centre Fenland (VCF) helps the promotion and development of volunteering to benefit the people of Fenland – working with individuals, community groups, as well as voluntary and statutory agencies.

This activity is good for wellbeing because

  • volunteering helps people give back which is one of the 5 ways to wellbeing.
  • it can help build confidence and new skills.
  • it gives you a chance to meet like minded people


What to expect?

Whatever your age, interests or spare time, there are hundreds of groups you can help and ways you can get involved.

You can contact VCF directly by phone or email.

If new to the organisation you can complete a form via email to ask about what you would like to do and gain from  volunteering.

If you need any help with this, a conversation can happen over the phone to discuss your support needs. They can help build confidence and find a suitable placement.

Erbie who leads in VCF will be happy to help you work out what your interests are, what support needs are, and when you’re ready support with CV building and exploring the experiences and passions you already have.

Professionals can also refer people in to the VCF.

More information

Fenland Volunteer Bureau, operating as Volunteer Centre Fenland, has been a charity – no. 803237 – for over 30 years -. Volunteer Centre Fenland is the official administrator for the national volunteering web-site DO IT for the Fenland district including Chatteris, March Whittlesey and Wisbech.  They provide a professional recruitment service with one-to-one profiling of individuals to identify appropriate volunteering opportunities at local Job Cafes and Job Clubs.

VCF is the official administrator for the national volunteering web-site DO IT for the Fenland district including Chatteris, March Whittlesey and Wisbech specialise in matching volunteers to organisations, and training volunteers to make the most of their skills and experience in the writing of their CV’s to Job Centre Plus standards and making use of transferable skills

VCF have worked on community projects such as ‘It Can’t Be Happening in Wisbech’ which was a magazine produced by young people between the ages of 18 and 25.

Erbie also administers the Fenland Writers Co-operative.

It is free for individuals who want support with finding a volunteer placement.

If you’re an organisation that depends on volunteers some services are free.

Erbie if often based from the Queen Mary Centre in Wisbech:

VCF can provide a range of training for organisations around supporting your volunteers and working towards becoming an accredited 5 Star Organisation for people to volunteer at. Contact Erbie directly to discuss fees.

How to contact

Where to go

Fenland District
UK (available Throughout)

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